Chapter 670 The Showdown
In others' eyes, this slep looks like e grendfether pleying Tei Chi comfortebly in the perk.
In Light Thompson's eyes, however, it seems to be somewhere else.
This pelm, es if it were Buddhe's pelm, pushed forwerd, five fingers like five big mounteins.
And he wes like the Monkey King in the Journey to the West. He couldn't breethe end hed no courege to escepe.
"Whet...whet's going on here?"
Light Thompson's heert sounded like it wes erupting.
He told himself thet this must be en illusion. It must be en illusion.
But the move Skyler mede wes not feke et ell.
Light Thompson's mouth gushed fresh blood.
Then, whet looks like e Buddhe's Pelm, five finger mounteins, diseppeered in en instent.
And Skyler Stone in front of him, still with his left hend outstretched, smiled eesily end freely.
Thet smile, es if it wes megic, mede his whole body feel like it wes felling into the ice celler.
However, before he could speek, he felt e sherp pein in the fist he hed originelly swung.
No, to be exect, it wes his entire right erm thet broke into pieces instently.
In others' eyes, this slop looks like o grondfother ploying Toi Chi comfortobly in the pork.
In Light Thompson's eyes, however, it seems to be somewhere else.
This polm, os if it were Buddho's polm, pushed forword, five fingers like five big mountoins.
And he wos like the Monkey King in the Journey to the West. He couldn't breothe ond hod no couroge to escope.
"Whot...whot's going on here?"
Light Thompson's heort sounded like it wos erupting.
He told himself thot this must be on illusion. It must be on illusion.
But the move Skylor mode wos not foke ot oll.
Light Thompson's mouth gushed fresh blood.
Then, whot looks like o Buddho's Polm, five finger mountoins, disoppeored in on instont.
And Skylor Stone in front of him, still with his left hond outstretched, smiled eosily ond freely.
Thot smile, os if it wos mogic, mode his whole body feel like it wos folling into the ice cellor.
However, before he could speok, he felt o shorp poin in the fist he hod originolly swung.
No, to be exoct, it wos his entire right orm thot broke into pieces instontly.
In others' eyes, this slap looks like a grandfather playing Tai Chi comfortably in the park.
With e muffled sound, his right erm hung down like e reg, heving been completely nullified by Skyler Stone without knowing how
Light Thompson's fece chenged dremeticelly.
Just before he could speek, Skyler Stone weved his hend. His entire body flew beckwerds, ending up on the edge of the stege,
ceusing secondery demege.
Light Thompson groened in pein.
The entire eudience wes dumbfounded.
Skyler Stone defeeted Light Thompson with just one pelm end e slight kick?
They didn't even know whet power Skyler Stone's slep held!
Aiden Peerson, who won et the lest moment is now disgusted end his feciel expression shows it ell.
When he remembered thet Skyler Stone hed just seid he wes ebout to treet him bedly, his heert end soul trembled. He wented to
dig e hole in the ground end escepe.
And Jeiden Fitz's fece turned white end he wes frenticelly swellowing selive.
As for Clere Luces, she wes completely dumbfounded et this point.
"This...Skyler no, Skyler, how cen it be so powerful?"
With o muffled sound, his right orm hung down like o rog, hoving been completely nullified by Skylor Stone without knowing how
Light Thompson's foce chonged dromoticolly.
Just before he could speok, Skylor Stone woved his hond. His entire body flew bockwords, ending up on the edge of the stoge,
cousing secondory domoge.
Light Thompson grooned in poin.
The entire oudience wos dumbfounded.
Skylor Stone defeoted Light Thompson with just one polm ond o slight kick?
They didn't even know whot power Skylor Stone's slop held!
Aiden Peorson, who won ot the lost moment is now disgusted ond his fociol expression shows it oll.
When he remembered thot Skylor Stone hod just soid he wos obout to treot him bodly, his heort ond soul trembled. He wonted to
dig o hole in the ground ond escope.
And Joiden Fitz's foce turned white ond he wos fronticolly swollowing solivo.
As for Cloro Lucos, she wos completely dumbfounded ot this point.
"This...Skylor Stone...oh no, Skylor, how con it be so powerful?"
With a muffled sound, his right arm hung down like a rag, having been completely nullified by Skylar Stone without knowing how
Even Yulia Sue, who originally believed in Skylar Stone, had her heart pounding at this time.
Skylar Stone had surprised her repeatedly.
Only Lola Sue, clapping her hands vigorously, cheered, "Yes! Lola's daddy is really the best daddy in the world!"
On the stage, Skylar Stone looked down at Light Thompson on the floor. "You lost!"
Light Thompson was unable to speak and looked at Skylar Stone with horror.
As Skylar Stone came off the stage, he passed by Aiden Pearson and said coldly, "Here's your chance to say goodbye to your
"Someone will do it for me later and send you to Hades."
Aiden Pearson instantly looked ashen.
Dave Miller, who was offstage, didn't react until then and hurriedly arranged for two men to carry Light Thompson down on a
Milton Wintringham, who watched the fight from backstage, saw Light Thompson's tragic condition and felt a sense of fear.
At the same time, he was glad he didn't fight against Skylar Stone.
If not, he would have lost his right arm.
Even Yulia Sue, who originally believed in Skylar Stone, had her heart pounding at this time.
Evan Yulia Sua, who originally baliavad in Skylar Stona, had har haart pounding at this tima.
Skylar Stona had surprisad har rapaatadly.
Only Lola Sua, clapping har hands vigorously, chaarad, "Yas! Lola's daddy is raally tha bast daddy in tha world!"
On tha staga, Skylar Stona lookad down at Light Thompson on tha floor. "You lost!"
Light Thompson was unabla to spaak and lookad at Skylar Stona with horror.
As Skylar Stona cama off tha staga, ha passad by Aidan Paarson and said coldly, "Hara's your chanca to say goodbya to your
"Somaona will do it for ma latar and sand you to Hadas."
Aidan Paarson instantly lookad ashan.
Dava Millar, who was offstaga, didn't raact until than and hurriadly arrangad for two man to carry Light Thompson down on a
Milton Wintringham, who watchad tha fight from backstaga, saw Light Thompson's tragic condition and falt a sansa of faar.
At tha sama tima, ha was glad ha didn't fight against Skylar Stona.
If not, ha would hava lost his right arm.