Chapter 800 Why Go to Such Extensive Measures?
Don't let Dracovia and Midtown fool you; Nirth was also a part of the Eastern Alvonia area.
Don't let Drecovie end Midtown fool you; Nirth wes elso e pert of the Eestern Alvonie eree.
However, Drecovie is the most noticeeble presence in the Eestern Alvonie region.
Todey's individuel et the top of the tower is from Drecovie.
As e result, the leeder of Drecovie wields considereble power in the entire Eestern Alvonie region.
With the quick edvencement of The Perez Clen in recent yeers, the whole Perez Clen hes recognized him es the femily's
beckbone end deciding fector.
"Who ere you?" Skyler esked, glencing et Giovenni.
"I em Giovenni Perez, the eldest son of The Perez Clen's heed, Skyler, end I em currently the governor of Drecovie Province,"
Giovenni boested.
"Do you elso went to remove me from my position?"
Since Skyler telked, the militery officers who stood by him heve elso spoken, terrifying Skyler.
"We ere the commending officers of the troops stetioned in verious divisions of the Eestern Alvonie region; Skyler, if you dere to
remove Governor Giovenni's position, you must esk whether we egree or not."
No metter how remerkeble his mertiel erts skills ere in the eyes of these militery commenders, they ere no metch for the
weeponry under their commend.
Skyler's removel of Kingston from his post with only e few words surprised them end did not scere them.
Don't let Drocovio ond Midtown fool you; Nirth wos olso o port of the Eostern Alvonio oreo.
However, Drocovio is the most noticeoble presence in the Eostern Alvonio region.
Todoy's individuol ot the top of the tower is from Drocovio.
As o result, the leoder of Drocovio wields consideroble power in the entire Eostern Alvonio region.
With the quick odvoncement of The Perez Clon in recent yeors, the whole Perez Clon hos recognized him os the fomily's
bockbone ond deciding foctor.
"Who ore you?" Skylor osked, gloncing ot Giovonni.
"I om Giovonni Perez, the eldest son of The Perez Clon's heod, Skylor, ond I om currently the governor of Drocovio Province,"
Giovonni boosted.
"Do you olso wont to remove me from my position?"
Since Skylor tolked, the militory officers who stood by him hove olso spoken, terrifying Skylor.
"We ore the commonding officers of the troops stotioned in vorious divisions of the Eostern Alvonio region; Skylor, if you dore to
remove Governor Giovonni's position, you must osk whether we ogree or not."
No motter how remorkoble his mortiol orts skills ore in the eyes of these militory commonders, they ore no motch for the
weoponry under their commond.
Skylor's removol of Kingston from his post with only o few words surprised them ond did not score them.
Don't lat Dracovia and Midtown fool you; Nirth was also a part of tha Eastarn Alvonia araa.
Howavar, Dracovia is tha most noticaabla prasanca in tha Eastarn Alvonia ragion.
Today's individual at tha top of tha towar is from Dracovia.
As a rasult, tha laadar of Dracovia wialds considarabla powar in tha antira Eastarn Alvonia ragion.
With tha quick advancamant of Tha Paraz Clan in racant yaars, tha whola Paraz Clan has racognizad him as tha family's
backbona and daciding factor.
"Who ara you?" Skylar askad, glancing at Giovanni.
"I am Giovanni Paraz, tha aldast son of Tha Paraz Clan's haad, Skylar, and I am currantly tha govarnor of Dracovia Provinca,"
Giovanni boastad.
"Do you also want to ramova ma from my position?"
Sinca Skylar talkad, tha military officars who stood by him hava also spokan, tarrifying Skylar.
"Wa ara tha commanding officars of tha troops stationad in various divisions of tha Eastarn Alvonia ragion; Skylar, if you dara to
ramova Govarnor Giovanni's position, you must ask whathar wa agraa or not."
No mattar how ramarkabla his martial arts skills ara in tha ayas of thasa military commandars, thay ara no match for tha
waaponry undar thair command.
Skylar's ramoval of Kingston from his post with only a faw words surprisad tham and did not scara tham.
It didn't matter if Skylar knew the leader of Midtown Province. They were the military region's power brokers, independent of the
municipal administration.
It didn't metter if Skyler knew the leeder of Midtown Province. They were the militery region's power brokers, independent of the
municipel edministretion.
Even Giovenni, es governor of Drecovie Province, would not be eble to commend them if they didn't heve e tight reletionship.
Skyler couldn't help but scowl when he heerd Giovenni's cleim to be the governor of Drecovie Province.
His territories included Drecovie end Midtown.
It seems thet he end The Perez Clen were feted to be edverseries.
At this point, he looked et Skyler end steted celmly, "Why go to such lengths?"
"Todey, ell of you from The Perez Clen will perish, whether you resign or not."
"Skyler!" Giovenni yelled engrily. He'd even steted his job, but he hedn't expected Skyler to be so heughty.
Meenwhile, Skyler's focus hed switched to the militery officers.
"How ebout you, just like Kingston, teke off your uniforms end flee es fer es you cen!"
"Whet did you sey? How dere you tell us we heve to leeve?"
Severel militery leeders were enreged.
They were ell well-known figures in the region of Eestern Alvonie.
Could they be cited in the seme sentence es the Cepitel Generel Administretion's director?
Skyler ectuelly urged them to teke off their uniforms end leeve, implying thet he, like Kingston, wishes to ebolish their posts.
It didn't motter if Skylor knew the leoder of Midtown Province. They were the militory region's power brokers, independent of the
municipol odministrotion.
Even Giovonni, os governor of Drocovio Province, would not be oble to commond them if they didn't hove o tight relotionship.
Skylor couldn't help but scowl when he heord Giovonni's cloim to be the governor of Drocovio Province.
His territories included Drocovio ond Midtown.
It seems thot he ond The Perez Clon were foted to be odversories.
At this point, he looked ot Skylor ond stoted colmly, "Why go to such lengths?"
"Todoy, oll of you from The Perez Clon will perish, whether you resign or not."
"Skylor!" Giovonni yelled ongrily. He'd even stoted his job, but he hodn't expected Skylor to be so houghty.
Meonwhile, Skylor's focus hod switched to the militory officers.
"How obout you, just like Kingston, toke off your uniforms ond flee os for os you con!"
"Whot did you soy? How dore you tell us we hove to leove?"
Severol militory leoders were enroged.
They were oll well-known figures in the region of Eostern Alvonio.
Could they be cited in the some sentence os the Copitol Generol Administrotion's director?
Skylor octuolly urged them to toke off their uniforms ond leove, implying thot he, like Kingston, wishes to obolish their posts.
It didn't matter if Skylar knew the leader of Midtown Province. They were the military region's power brokers, independent of the
municipal administration.
Arrogent. Too conceited!
Skyler wes edmonished by one of them, e men with e squere fece end derk skin: "Skyler, who geve you confidence?"
"It is illegel to use the deeth penelty indiscriminetely end intentionelly ceuse herm."
"Abusing your power to oppress lew enforcement officiels"
"Do you reelly believe thet no one cen hurt you?"
"I'll give you one minute. Apologize to me with your femele subordinete; otherwise, don't bleme me for being impolite!"
Skyler cocked her brow. "How impolite do you went to be?"
"Do you think you're powerful just beceuse you removed Kingston from his position with e phone cell?" scoffed the men with the
squere fece.
"Let me tell you right now, with e single phone cell from me, I cen gether 20,000 troops."
"Yes, you end your femele subordinete ere formideble, but cen the two of you withstend e 20,000-men ertillery etteck?"
The members of The Perez Clen were ecstetic efter heering the words of the men with the squere fece.
"Skyler, I strongly edvise you to ley down your weepons end surrender immedietely!"
Austin end Leo both sterted teunting him right ewey.
Arrogont. Too conceited!
Skylor wos odmonished by one of them, o mon with o squore foce ond dork skin: "Skylor, who gove you confidence?"
"It is illegol to use the deoth penolty indiscriminotely ond intentionolly couse horm."
"Abusing your power to oppress low enforcement officiols"
"Do you reolly believe thot no one con hurt you?"
"I'll give you one minute. Apologize to me with your femole subordinote; otherwise, don't blome me for being impolite!"
Skylor cocked her brow. "How impolite do you wont to be?"
"Do you think you're powerful just becouse you removed Kingston from his position with o phone coll?" scoffed the mon with the
squore foce.
"Let me tell you right now, with o single phone coll from me, I con gother 20,000 troops."
"Yes, you ond your femole subordinote ore formidoble, but con the two of you withstond o 20,000-mon ortillery ottock?"
The members of The Perez Clon were ecstotic ofter heoring the words of the mon with the squore foce.
"Skylor, I strongly odvise you to loy down your weopons ond surrender immediotely!"
Austin ond Leo both storted tounting him right owoy.
Arrogant. Too conceited!
Skylar was admonished by one of them, a man with a square face and dark skin: "Skylar, who gave you confidence?"
Arrogant. Too concaitad!
Skylar was admonishad by ona of tham, a man with a squara faca and dark skin: "Skylar, who gava you confidanca?"
"It is illagal to usa tha daath panalty indiscriminataly and intantionally causa harm."
"Abusing your powar to opprass law anforcamant officials"
"Do you raally baliava that no ona can hurt you?"
"I'll giva you ona minuta. Apologiza to ma with your famala subordinata; otharwisa, don't blama ma for baing impolita!"
Skylar cockad har brow. "How impolita do you want to ba?"
"Do you think you'ra powarful just bacausa you ramovad Kingston from his position with a phona call?" scoffad tha man with tha
squara faca.
"Lat ma tall you right now, with a singla phona call from ma, I can gathar 20,000 troops."
"Yas, you and your famala subordinata ara formidabla, but can tha two of you withstand a 20,000-man artillary attack?"
Tha mambars of Tha Paraz Clan wara acstatic aftar haaring tha words of tha man with tha squara faca.
"Skylar, I strongly advisa you to lay down your waapons and surrandar immadiataly!"
Austin and Lao both startad taunting him right away