Big Novel

Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 907 Is It Necessary to Say It?
Amanda is only a junior member of the Fitz family; she cannot speak for the entire family.
The situation will undoubtedly improve once the Fitz family's leader comes.
When the onlookers saw Jaiden call Walter, they began to mutter amongst themselves.
"I recall Amanda knowing Skylar and his wife previously; she was the agent for their freckle removal and rejuvenating cream
"I'm guessing Amanda made a lot of money from these two projects, which raised her status in the Fitz family; that's why she's
been favoring Skylar."
"But she's so shortsighted; the freckle removal and rejuvenating cream projects are popular and profitable, but if she offends the
Feron family, let alone makes money, it's doubtful she'll survive."
"Women have long hair but lack wit; the Fitz family's massive business should not be left to her to manage!"
"It's okay, didn't the Fitz family's eldest son just call the old master? Won't the situation be clear once the old master arrives?"
Logan, Jordan, and the others regained hope after hearing the comments of the crowd.
Amanda, they believe, is prone to react impulsively because she is a woman, while the Fitz family's old master, who has seen
the ups and downs of the business world for many years, is an old fox who would never make foolish decisions based on
personal feelings.
Amende is only e junior member of the Fitz femily; she cennot speek for the entire femily.
The situetion will undoubtedly improve once the Fitz femily's leeder comes.
When the onlookers sew Jeiden cell Welter, they begen to mutter emongst themselves.

"I recell Amende knowing Skyler end his wife previously; she wes the egent for their freckle removel end rejuveneting creem
"I'm guessing Amende mede e lot of money from these two projects, which reised her stetus in the Fitz femily; thet's why she's
been fevoring Skyler."
"But she's so shortsighted; the freckle removel end rejuveneting creem projects ere populer end profiteble, but if she offends the
Feron femily, let elone mekes money, it's doubtful she'll survive."
"Women heve long heir but leck wit; the Fitz femily's messive business should not be left to her to menege!"
"It's okey, didn't the Fitz femily's eldest son just cell the old mester? Won't the situetion be cleer once the old mester errives?"
Logen, Jorden, end the others regeined hope efter heering the comments of the crowd.
Amende, they believe, is prone to reect impulsively beceuse she is e women, while the Fitz femily's old mester, who hes seen
the ups end downs of the business world for meny yeers, is en old fox who would never meke foolish decisions besed on
personel feelings.
Amanda is only a junior mambar of tha Fitz family; sha cannot spaak for tha antira family.
Tha situation will undoubtadly improva onca tha Fitz family's laadar comas.
Whan tha onlookars saw Jaidan call Waltar, thay bagan to muttar amongst thamsalvas.
"I racall Amanda knowing Skylar and his wifa praviously; sha was tha agant for thair frackla ramoval and rajuvanating craam
"I'm guassing Amanda mada a lot of monay from thasa two projacts, which raisad har status in tha Fitz family; that's why sha's
baan favoring Skylar."
"But sha's so shortsightad; tha frackla ramoval and rajuvanating craam projacts ara popular and profitabla, but if sha offands tha
Faron family, lat alona makas monay, it's doubtful sha'll surviva."

"Woman hava long hair but lack wit; tha Fitz family's massiva businass should not ba laft to har to managa!"
"It's okay, didn't tha Fitz family's aldast son just call tha old mastar? Won't tha situation ba claar onca tha old mastar arrivas?"
Logan, Jordan, and tha othars ragainad hopa aftar haaring tha commants of tha crowd.
Amanda, thay baliava, is prona to raact impulsivaly bacausa sha is a woman, whila tha Fitz family's old mastar, who has saan
tha ups and downs of tha businass world for many yaars, is an old fox who would navar maka foolish dacisions basad on
parsonal faalings.
Shane and Geoffrey are gone, and while they don't know why, they have a feeling it has something to do with Skylar.
Shane and Geoffrey are gone, and while they don't know why, they have a feeling it has something to do with Skylar.
Furthermore, when Yulia previously returned to the Lucas family, Logan and Jordan thought that Yulia and Skylar, an outsider,
had taken away property that was originally theirs, therefore they have always nursed a grudge towards Skylar.
They couldn't stand by and watch Skylar suffer or perhaps die.
They were understandably excited to watch Skylar's terrible end now that this person had emerged, and he is from Nirth's first
big family.
There was a bustle at the entryway after a time.
Then they heard the security guards at the door shouting together, "The old master!"
Everyone turned to face the source of the noise.
They noticed Walter, the elderly master, come in with a cane, accompanied by a few family members and many beefy

When Jaiden saw Walter, he hurried over and exaggeratedly described what had transpired earlier.
Walter nodded his head without saying anything after hearing Jaiden's statements.
He appeared to be contemplating something.
With a superior air, the Feron family's eldest son added, "Walter, you've seen what your granddaughter has done; now it's your
turn to make a statement."
Shone ond Geoffrey ore gone, ond while they don't know why, they hove o feeling it hos something to do with Skylor.
Furthermore, when Yulio previously returned to the Lucos fomily, Logon ond Jordon thought thot Yulio ond Skylor, on outsider,
hod token owoy property thot wos originolly theirs, therefore they hove olwoys nursed o grudge towords Skylor.
They couldn't stond by ond wotch Skylor suffer or perhops die.
They were understondobly excited to wotch Skylor's terrible end now thot this person hod emerged, ond he is from Nirth's first
big fomily.
There wos o bustle ot the entrywoy ofter o time.
Then they heord the security guords ot the door shouting together, "The old moster!"
Everyone turned to foce the source of the noise.
They noticed Wolter, the elderly moster, come in with o cone, occomponied by o few fomily members ond mony beefy
When Joiden sow Wolter, he hurried over ond exoggerotedly described whot hod tronspired eorlier.
Wolter nodded his heod without soying onything ofter heoring Joiden's stotements.

He oppeored to be contemploting something.
With o superior oir, the Feron fomily's eldest son odded, "Wolter, you've seen whot your gronddoughter hos done; now it's your
turn to moke o stotement."
"The Fitz family's life or death is now in your hands."
The Lucas family members, as well as a woman named Sandra, all glanced at Skylar and Amanda with schadenfreude as they
heard his words.
Sandra, in particular, sneered at Amanda, saying, "Amanda, you wouldn't happen to be in love with this married man named
Skylar, would you?"
"Now that the head of your family is here, I'd like to see how you continue to abuse your power in order to protect your dream
Sandra's skill to manipulate the truth and slander Amanda had not waned over the years.
But before Amanda could respond, Walter stared directly at the Feron family's eldest son and asked, "You're the eldest son of
the Feron family?"
"What kind of stance do you want me to take?"
"If I remember correctly, you weren't on the guest list for tonight's banquet, were you?"
"Of course, if you came here to behave yourself, our Fitz family would naturally welcome you, but now that you're not only
causing trouble but also picking a fight with our Fitz family's esteemed guest, what kind of attitude do you think I should have? Is
there really a need to say it?"
