The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0171
After the confrontation with Mark, I expected to be approached by Nicholas, so I wasn’t shocked when he called me away from
the dining room at lunchtime to speak with me privately.
He started walking away from the dining room and I fell in step beside him. Eventually, in an empty
hallway, he turned to face me. A frown was firm on his face.
Mark told me that you and Julian started investigating the underground organization again, despite my
explicit instruction not to.”
“That’s correct,” I said. Maybe I should have denied it. I knew Nicholas only had my best interest at
heart, but that didn’t mean I could roll over to his every whim. He didn’t know all the facts. Maybe it was
time I told him the full truth, I wasn’t sure.
My answer made Nicholas’s face even more severe. This, I imagined, was the face he used to look down those that opposed
him politically. It would be intimidating, if I had even an inkling of fear against
“You have to stop, Piper. You must give this up and let it go. You are endangering yourself. I cannot allow that.”
I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter if I’m in danger. It’s worth it, if it helps bring them down.”
Nicholas’s shoulders tensed. “If you would listen

“You can’t convince me otherwise, Nicholas, I’m sorry.”
“But what about Elva?” he said, voice sharp. “What you are doing endangers her as well.”
“Elva is already in trouble. Can’t you see that?”
He opened his mouth. Closed it. Opened it again. “What do you mean?” The hardness in his face crumpled some into confusion.

I wrapped my arms around my own waist, offering myself as much comfort as I could.
Maybe I should have told Nicholas the truth from the start. Maybe if he truly understood the depths of my fear, he would see my
side of things. I doubted it – he’d always been a stickler for the rules – but there was always a chance the threat to Elva could
change his mind.
“Elva’s werewolf abilities are already powerful and growing stronger all the time,” I said. “How long will it be before the
underground organization comes after her and her wolf, like he did for me and mine?”
“That won’t happen. I won’t allow it.” Nicholas inched closer to me so that he was only a mere few inches away. “I can protect
you and Elva both.”
“For how long, Nicholas? While we’re under your roof? But what happens to us when we have to go back
out on our own?”
“I’ll find a way. I’ll –”
“You will have your own life. Can’t you see that exposing the organization is the only way to keep Elva
safe for the rest of her life?”
“I refuse to accept that,” Nicholas said. He had returned to authoritative prince–mode. Making plans and statements. I knew he
meant what he said, but in reality, he had no way of seeing it through.
I didn’t want to hurt him, but I had to crack his fantasy to help him see he couldn’t protect us from the
whole world, no matter how well–meaning he was.
“You couldn’t help me,” I said. “Three years ago, when the organization targeted my sister and me.”
Nicholas swallowed hard. “You didn’t tell me what was happening then.”
“What would you have done if you knew? You would have run straight into the lion’s den, all righteous,
and got yourself hurt.”

“I would have been smarter than that, and you know that.” His voice lowered, showing a hint of his anger. “You didn’t trust me,
just like you aren’t trusting me now.”
“I am trusting you by telling you exactly why I need to continue investigating. It’s all for Elva.”
“No, Nicholas. There’s nothing you could say that would make me change my mind about this.”
“Is that right?” He crossed his arms.
Nicholas stood straighter. “Fine. Then I order you, as your prince, not to pursue this.”
