The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0172
Just then, I noticed some guards patrolling the hallway they were in. They glanced at me and at
“That is a command as your prince,” Nicholas said again, when they were closer in earshot.
He had me backed into a corner now. I couldn’t disobey a direct royal order, especially in front of the
guards. As much as I wanted to.
“This is the part where you comply, Piper,” he said.
I narrowed my eyes at him, hoping he could feel the waves of annoyance I was sending his direction.
“Fine,” I said, lying, and I hoped he knew it. Typically I would feel bad for lying to his face, but this time, I felt no such thing. He
was being a jerk, using his status to boss me around. He didn’t deserve my truth.
“Piper...” He said again, softening now that I’d given him everything he wanted.
But I was done listening to him.
“I need to get back to lunch.” I didn’t wait to be dismissed. I simply turned on my heel and sped away
down the hallway.
Later, the remaining candidates were called into the parlor for announcements from Nathan.
He stood on top of the stage, waiting for us to arrive. When we were all present, he cleared his throat
and then spoke into the microphone.
“Attention, please. You have been waiting patiently for updates regarding the next elimination ceremony
and I finally have something to share.”
The girls murmured nervously to each other. Nathan waited for us to quiet again before he continued.
“The next elimination ceremony will be held in two days.”
Gasps sounded in the room. I gasped too. Two days? That was hardly any time at all.
I still needed to talk to Julian. Without his help, I had no idea how I was going to survive this round,
especially now, with Nicholas and I not on the best of terms.
Beside me, Susie had gone quiet too. Many of the girls had. Two days wasn’t long enough to change anyone’s mind, not if they’d
already made it. Some of the girls that hadn’t made Impressions on any of the
princes now faced the real possibility of being sent home.
Lilliana smiled dully. She knew she was safe.
Olivia also seemed unbothered. She had enough confidence to carry her through.
The rest of us weren’t so sure.
After returning to my room, I stopped at the door to speak with Mark.
“I really need to speak with Prince Julian. Do you think you could find him for me?”
Mark shook his head. “I’m sorry, Piper, but Prince Nicholas directed me not to assist you in your
investigatory attempts.”
Of course he did. The problem with knowing Nicholas so well was that he also knew me. He likely knew
that I had lied to his face the moment I had done so.
“This isn’t about that,” I said. “Nathan just told us the elimination is in two days, and I have not secured my place as one of
Julian’s selections yet. If I don’t talk to him, I might get sent home.”
Mark’s brow furrowed. “Oh.”
“If you see him, please just tell him I’m looking for him,” I said. “I don’t want to get you in trouble, but as
you can tell, this is very important.”
Reluctantly, Mark nodded. “I’ll see what I can do.” He turned to speak with the guards, so I entered the
I didn’t hear from Mark until several hours later, as Elva and I were getting ready to go down for dinner.
He pulled me aside and said, “Prince Julian isn’t here.”
My stomach dropped. “What? Where did he go?”
“I’m not sure, but no one has seen him since this morning,” Mark said, frowning. “Wherever he went, he
didn’t tell anyone.”
How could he disappear? Now of all times?
“When will he be back?” I asked.
Mark shrugged “I’m sorry, Piper, but I really don’t know.”
