The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0183
I continued to hold Susie’s hand as we were led into the staged area for the ceremony. The 14 of us that
were left were lined up into three rows.
Camera crews were setting up in front of us. On the other side, three small stages were arranged side by side, each with their
own set of stairs. A throne was arranged at the far end of the room for the King and
Sometime after we arrived, the royal family came in together. I tried to catch Julian’s eye, but he wouldn’t look at me. He didn’t
look at any of the candidates. His typical bored façade was in place.
I worried about him for a moment. Just what had the King wanted to talk to him about?
But then I saw Nicholas and all other thoughts flew straight out of my head. I hadn’t seen him since our
kiss in the hallway outside Julian’s door, when I’d lost myself and wanted to be ravaged.
He wasn’t looking at me either, but this one, I understood. I only hoped he didn’t regret it. Our
relationship was... complicated. Impossible, probably. But the way he held me in that moment... I wouldn’t
trade it away.
The King and Queen moved to their thrones. The producers then directed the princes up onto the
stages. Each had their own.
Nathan stood in front of us and explained, “If your name is called, move up the stairs of the stage
belonging to the prince who selected you. You will be expected to thank them personally.”
The girls all nodded. I did too.
When the cameras were set up, the producers nodded to Nathan. We waited a few minutes until the
clock hit 7pm, then the camera lights turned red.

My heart was in my throat.
The elimination ceremony was about to begin.
Nathan turned on his 1000–watt smile and faced the cameras, his microphone in hand.
“Welcome to the main event, ladies and gentleman. Tonight, your three princes will each select three ladies of their choice to
stay through the elimination. This will bring our count down from 14 to 9! Who
will survive? We’re about to find out.”
One of the cameras panned over the candidates and we all smiled. The other cameras zoomed in on each of the princes. Joyce
looked bored. Julian winked and waved. Nicholas was entirely stoic.
When the cameras returned to Nathan, he continued to explain the rules. The princes would submit their three names and then
one by one, the chosen candidates would be called until all 9 were announced.
The princes were given scraps of paper and a pen. They each wrote their selections and handed them in to waiting servants.
The servants then brought the names to the producers.
Nathan sent the audience to commercial, and no sooner, one of the producers started yelling at the
“There’s only 8 names!”
The second producer hushed the first. “Think of the drama, man. This is going to make for great TV.”
“What are they talking about?” Susie whispered to me.
“I don’t know,” I whispered back. Only 8 names? Could that mean only 8 girls were going to be picked?
But how could that be? Didn’t it break the rules?
When the producers spoke with Nathan, he immediately seemed confused.
“We should speak with the King,” he started to say, but the producers were insistent.
“There’s no time. We’re coming back from commercial in 3... 2... 1...” They pointed at Nathan.

Nathan’s eyes were wild with panic, but he pressed on regardless. “W–welcome back! We will now begin with the ceremony!
Each prince will read the names of their selections, one at a time. Prince Nicholas, we will begin with you. If you could please say
the name of one of your selections.”
Nicholas cleared his throat. I held my breath.

My breath came out a long, low exhale. I wasn’t surprised, but I still wanted it to be me.
Lilliana stepped forward without any outward reaction. She crossed the floor, walked up the stairs in front of Nicholas, and said,
“Thank you.”
He nodded, and she moved to stand behind him.
“Very nice,” Nathan said. “Prince Julian, you are next.”
This was it. This was the moment. If Julian didn’t save me here, no one would.
Julian opened his mouth with a smile, but it wasn’t my name that came out of it. Some of the girls
gasped and looked at me for reaction. The cameras zoomed in close to my face.
I kept a smile on my face but it wasn’t genuine. Inside, my heart was breaking. How much time would they give me to pack my
bags? Would Elva have time to say goodbye to Nicholas, or would we simply be
whisked off into the night like we’d never been here at all?
The ceremony continued. Joyce selected Jessica. For his second round, Nicholas picked Olivia. Julian and Joyce picked girls
who clapped in excitement and hurried forward when they were called.
When it was nearing the final round, Susie and I looked at each other. We said goodbye with our eyes.
We both knew our moments were numbered here, and soon we’d be sent home.
The producers pulled Nathan aside quickly to whisper in his ear.

“For the final round, we’d like to change things up and start with Joyce,” Nathan said, when he was back
on camera.
Joyce glanced at us remaining girls. Then his gaze fell on Susie.
She inhaled sharply and looked at me. I smiled and nodded, urging her forward.
“Go on, then,” I said. I was so happy for her, even as my heart was breaking for myself. Joyce had saved her for another few
weeks, and in those weeks, she could be with the man she truly loved, Mark.
Susie moved forward, weaving through the remaining girls. When she finally reached Joyce, she was
“Thank you,” she said. “Thank you so much.”
Joyce seemed uncomfortable by her attention but he shook her hand all the same. “Of course. Sure.”
Susie moved to her spot behind him.
“Now,” Nathan said, reclaiming everyone’s attention. “We have a special circumstance for our final
“Final?” whispered one of the girls. “They’ve only said 7 names, not 8. There should be two more.”
Nathan continued, “Prince Nicholas and Prince Julian have both selected the same candidate for their
final choice.”
“What?” the King gasped, rising from his throne. A producer immediately stepped forward to intercept.
Nicholas and Julian glanced at each other. Julian smirked. Nicholas glowered.

My heart pounded so loudly I could hear it in my ears, but I didn’t dare dream that I was the one they had chosen. Too much had
happened to convince me otherwise. Julian’s disappearance. Nicholas’s cold
shoulder after our heated kiss.
So many people wanted me gone. The public wanted me to stay, but I wasn’t so foolish to believe that would make much
difference now as we neared the midpoint of the competition.
“We ask Prince Nicholas and Prince Julian to together name the person that they have chosen. I will
countdown to 1,” Nathan said.
I held my breath.
I twisted my hands together.
I felt sick in my stomach, like I might throw up.
Nicholas and Julian glanced at each other once more. Then they both looked at me.
Together, they said, “Piper.” 9
