The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0184
After Nicholas and Julian said my name, many things happened all at once.
My breath was so shaky I felt lightheaded.
The King and Queen both jumped to their feet in outrage.
Many of the remaining girls descended from their standing places to complain aggressively to the
producers and Nathan and anyone who would listen.
“We were cheated!” one of them shouted.
“How can Piper be chosen twice?” cried another.
“This is rigged!” said a third.
One of the producers weaved through the angry crowd to whisper in my ear. “Go on, Piper. Go get your
I started forward but immediately hesitated. The problem, of course, was that two princes had chosen
1. me. Now I had to choose one of them.
If I was true to my heart, I would go for Nicholas. But he already had so many prospects. I’d be shooting
myself in the foot by going to him. Julian was the safer choice, by numbers alone, though his
unpredictability, like his recent disappearance, kept him from being the obvious one.
I was torn, but in the end, I decided to go with my heart. I walked up the stairs to Nicholas. I held out my
hand to thank him and he took mine in both of his.
“Thank you,” I said. His gaze was steady on mine. It lacked the heat from that night, but not the intensity.
Td never leave you behind,” he said softly, so only I could hear it.

Behind us, the King’s ravings were growing louder.
“End the show,” Nathan said at once, threatening a producer. He waved to the cameramen, and the
cameras shut off at once.
Nicholas quickly ushered me behind him, just in time as the King rushed up the stairs.
you and your brother have directly disobeyed my orders”
unfair orders father Nicholas said, standing tall
dred. Hie wyen found mine and he looked at me like he wan
“Husband,” the Luna said from the floor by the stairs. Her sharp gaze sliced back and forth around them.
“We should discuss this in private.”
The King straightened at once, though his face remained red as a cherry tomato. “Yes. Correct as ever, dearest.” He pointed at
Nicholas and at Julian. “In my rooms. Now.”
Nicholas nodded and Julian shrugged. Still, they both diligently followed their father. Joyce did too, trailing behind. When the
royal family exited the room, the tension in the room seemed to lessen, as if the
room itself let out a deep breath.
In Nicholas’s absence, Lilliana and Olivia turned their attention to me.
“Congratulations, Piper,” Olivia said. “It’s quite the accomplishment for someone like you to reach this
level. You probably couldn’t even imagine it in your wildest dreams.”
It was a backhanded compliment, meant primarily to insult me.
“Prince Nicholas is such a talented statesman,” Lilliana chimed in. She spoke in her faux demure manner
but her eyes were piercing daggers at me. “He keeps you around knowing it inspires the commoners. Of course, you must know
that he has no intention of keeping you beyond that.”

“We’re all lucky to be here,” I said, attempting to be the bigger person, even though I kind of wanted to
push them both off the stage.
“Some of us rely on luck,” Olivia said. “Others have enough talents and skills that they don’t need to
depend on luck.”
“You should enjoy what time you have left, Piper.” Lilliana offered me a fake smile. “Many of the girls
here won’t be happy with your continued presence. I’m sure they might even work together to make sure
you are not selected this time.”
“We’ll see.” I wasn’t afraid of Lilliana, Olivia, or any of the girls here, and I’d already survived much of
their sabotage. I supposed it was kind of Lilliana to at least let me know the target on me was now even
bigger than before, but I wasn’t going to be intimidated.
I knew I was lucky to be here. I’d been planning on going home. That Nicholas and Julian had both
picked me made me feel like I was in a dream. I was so grateful.
The threats of these girls would not ruin this moment for me.
was lying We all knew they weren’t truly
thank you both for your concern, but I’m sure I will be fine
cerned and I wasn’t truly grateful But it would be rude for me to simply snub them, and though they
snubbing. I would rather they think they hadn’t affected me at all
“Ladies!” Nathan called, claiming our attention. “If you will follow me to the ballroom, we will have another post–ceremony
I noticed then that the unchosen girls had been escorted from the room. I still couldn’t truly believe that
I wasn’t among them.

Together, the surviving girls and I followed Nathan down the hallway to the ballroom. Some privileged guests were already within
it. They clapped as we descended the staircase.
At the base of the stairs, Susie immediately came to my side. “Piper, I can’t believe it! I mean, I can, in a way, and I’m so
relieved, but both princes! I knew one of them would save you, but both!”
Her excitement was electric and helped fill the hollow void Lilliana and Olivia’s cattiness had carved
into me. I pulled her into a quick hug.
“And you!” I said. “I didn’t know you were that close with Joyce!”
“I’m not really, I don’t think. I’ve said a few words to him now and then. Asked him how he’s doing or what he’s reading.” She
frowned a little. “I don’t think enough people take notice of him.”
“Well, you do. And Jessica...?”
“She’s so thrilled,” Susie said. “Just look at her.”
I glanced across the room to where Jessica was greeting some of the guests. She was bouncing in her heels, her face all smiles.
It had been a good long while since I had seen someone so genuinely happy.
She added a little light to me just from watching her.
1 looped my arm with Susie. “I think we should celebrate our continued success and Jessica’s
“What did you have in mind?” Susie asked.
I pointed at the drinks table where servants were beginning to pour flutes of champagne.
I was a bit nervous to drink again, since last time Terry had laced my drink and attempted terrible things.
Yet here in the public ballroom with Susie beside me, I felt safe enough to try. This was a party and we’d
both done something no one thought possible.

What better time and place to let loose? Within moderation, of course. Cameras still crept through the
room, capturing everything on film. Getting drunk was totally off the table, lest I end up as a top news
ory for the rest of my life
or three, however, was not out of the question.
Susie and I approached the drinks table, and a smiling servant passed us each a flute. We both smiled and thanked her. I took a
sip. The champagne was delicious.
Yet as Susie and I were walking away from the table, an unwelcome individual stepped directly into our
Terry looked down at us with his serpent smile. He glanced at my drink, then back up to my face. “Did you miss me, Piper?”
