The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0185
“I can tell by the look on your face that you’ve been thinking about me,” Terry said.
My stomach twisted. The champagne I had enjoyed only a moment ago soured in my mouth.
Susie shrunk, half–hiding behind me. Terry didn’t even look at her, his entire attention was focused on
1. me.
I didn’t reply to him. I simply stood there trying not to be sick on the ballroom floor.
Terry didn’t seem to mind. He continued on without even a dent to his smile.
“Congratulations, Piper. You’ve enamored two different brothers. No simple act. Though I can
understand why they are taken with you.”
I swallowed down the rising bile in my throat. “Thank you.” It was all I could manage. I knew what lied beyond his friendly façade,
and now that the image of him had been permanently tainted, I struggled to
rebuild my own fake friendly face to deal with him.
“You must forgive me,” he said. “Our time was cut so short the last time we were together. But I am
hoping we can claim more along time again soon.”
“I’d rather not,” I said quickly.
I noticed then that my words turned a few heads around me. People were eavesdropping our
conversation. They were judging me.
I cleared my throat and softened my tone. “The competition organizers keep us all very busy. I couldn’t
possibly find time...”
“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about them if I were you. Don’t forget who I am, Piper. I can sneak you away for a

little chat at any time and no one would say a word.”
A few onlookers laughed, like Terry had said something charming and not unbelievably creepy. I
couldn’t blame them exactly, since they didn’t know what Terry had tried to do to me, but I still hated
them in that moment, that they couldn’t see how uncomfortable he was making me.
I wanted to dig a hole and bury myself in it. Anything to get away from him and this moment.
Terry leaned in closer. “I do enjoy our time together, Piper” Softer, so the eavesdroppers couldn’t hear, he added, 1 cannot wait to
add you to my collection of broken things.”
My skin crawled at his possessive tone and the unwanted fire in his eyes as he dragged his slimy gaze
There was no one here to save me. I had to save myself. I drew courage from the knowledge that he couldn’t touch me here,
even though he clearly wanted to. Too many witnesses, too many cameras.
If I screamed, everyone would look.
So I lifted my chin, and told him, “You are going to be disappointed, because you will never own me.”
His smile added teeth. “You say that now. I’ll let you think what you want. But no one escapes from me,
Piper. I’m a powerful man. I get what I want.”
This was a much greater threat than those given to me on the stage by Lilliana and Olivia, and sent
terrible shivers up my spine.
“Announcing the Royal Family!” Nathan called from the top of the stairs. Everyone turned to look, even
I glanced behind me at Susie. Her eyes were wide with worry. I nodded my head in a direction away from Terry. Susie nodded.
Quietly and slowly, while everyone was clapping for the King, Queen, and princes as they came down

the stairs, Susie and I started to move away from Terry.
But then Terry reached out and snatched my wrist, immediately stilling me.
“You wouldn’t want to miss my family’s grand entrance, would you, Piper?”
“I’m just going over there for a better look,” I lied.
I glanced at Susie, who was watching me with wild fear. I didn’t know what I wanted her to do. There wasn’t anything she could
do, really. But I didn’t want to be alone.
Unfortunately, Susie then turned from me and darted into the crowd.
“I think you had better stay right here beside me,” Terry said. “After all, I wasn’t finished speaking with
you. Or looking my fill.” He slid closer to me, pressing his front along my back. I felt a twitch against my
backside. Deep dread curdled in my gut.
