The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0455
Not long after I parted with Julian and returned to my room to change, I was alerted that the candidates were to report to the foyer to receive the results of the theater event. I had expected the results to come quickly, but this seemed extra fast.
Though with Bridget the professional actress among the group, maybe the royal family and the producers didn't need all that much time to determine who deserved the highest ranking.
Running on zero sleep, I was tired as I changed into fresh clothes and moved a little slower than usual as I headed down to the foyer.
Mark must have told Susie about the fight between Nicholas and Julian because no sooner had I entered the room, then she came rushing up to me.
She looped her arm through one of mine and asked, "What happened?"
"I don't know what to say," I said. "Nicholas saw Julian and me coming out of the woods and attacked Julian right away. He barely said anything, and he didn't listen to reason."
"He must have been furious," Susie said.
"He was," I agreed. "But if he would have just listened to me, I could have told him that nothing happened between Julian and me..."
Susie blinked, startled, like she hadn't been expecting that. "Nothing happened?"
Now I was startled and looked at her in shock. "You thought something had?"
Susie looked a little sheepish, like she was embarrassed by what she had thought. "That's what all the rumors are saying?"
"Rumors?" I gasped. Who the hell was going around talking about this? Julian wouldn't have said a word, and I doubted Nicholas would have.
"I didn't believe them at first," Susie said, "But after Mark told me about the fight this morning, I wasn't so sure they were false anymore. Nicholas isn't the type to fight over nothing, no matter how on edge Mark says he is."
I hummed. Mark had said something similar to me this morning, that Nicholas had been pushed too far and was starting to crack under the pressure. It wasn't any of my business anymore, Bridget had made that clear. Though I did still worry about him. Fighting was so out of character for him.
"Did Mark tell you about the rumors?" I asked.
"No, I heard it just from people talking. Everyone was saying it," Susie said. "I have no idea who started it."
I still wasn't sure of the timeline, but the only other person who knew I had been out with Julian all night was Bridget. I slid my gaze to her now, and found her looking back at me.
She had an air of innocence, and when our eyes met, she smiled kindly, as if greeting a friend. She even waved.
It was so surreal, especially after her words this morning. I didn't know what else to do but
raise one of my free hands and wave back.
"You don't think..." Susie whispered. "Bridget started the rumor?"
"I don't know," I said.
Nathan appeared and took to the stage. He had cameras with him this time, even though Nicholas and Julian were noticeably absent.
Susie and I walked closer to the stage, where we met with Veronica, who was standing with Tiffany and Jessica, who seemed to have bonded over their shared stage experience. I wasn't opposed to having more friends, so I greeted Jessica kindly. She said hello to me too.
Nathan stepped up to the microphone, then tapped on it to get our attention. We all quieted down to listen to his words.
"I have here in my hands the results of the event." He held up a sheet of paper, while discreetly keeping the written side hidden from both us and the cameras. "There have been some shifts in the current rankings of our candidates. And of course, the addition of Bridget has added fresh excitement."
Nathan began clapping, then indicated that the rest of us should join him. Some did, politely. I did, a little. As did Susie, Tiffany, and Jessica. Veronica abstained, as well as Olivia and Lilliana. Bridget smiled brightly.
"Thank you, everyone," she said, likely pretending she didn't notice those not clapping.
Nathan continued, "Bridget's performance, of course, stole the show. Absolutely wonderful, Bridget. You are a truly talented artisan, and a gift to the kingdom."
"Thank you, Nathan," Bridget said. The camera zoomed in on her face. She blew it a kiss.
"You are very welcome." Nathan cleared his throat as he consulted his paper. "This, of course, brings Bridget straight to the top of the rankings, and bumps down Olivia from the lead, as well as dropping everyone else down one point. Now, for the other changes."
One by one, he named a candidate and then gave a brief critique of their performance during the event and how it now effected their placement in the
Susie received credit for her one line and her ability to appear nervous as the scene dictated. But since her scene was so brief, she received a medium amount of points. This, fortunately, moved her up closer to center in the rankings.
Tiffany, who never could seem to manage her voice on the stage, dropped down to the bottom. She seemed visibly upset. Jessica, who did much better, patted
her shoulder in
When it came to be my turn, Nathan sighed.
"Piper, your commitment to the role was unreliable. Your character on stage seemed more
you than the actual character you were supposed to have played. It seemed as if you were constantly distracted. The royal family feels that you did not put your all
into this event."
My heart dropped down to the ground. How could that be? I did the best I could! And I had such a large role, that surely they would give more leniency?
But no
it seemed not. And I didn't know how I could ever argue with the royal family.
As I stood there confused, the meeting ended. The others began to fan out, which was when Nathan stepped down from the stage and approached me. I expected that he might give me further insight into why the royal family would think so poorly about my performance.
For not being a professional actress, for having no experience at all, I thought I did quite well. Even Bridget had once complimented me, especially during the breakup scene between Nicholas's character and mine.
"Piper," Nathan said. His face had fallen since the cameras had turned off. He looked so serious now. I braced myself. Maybe this wasn't an explanation after all. Maybe he wanted to summon me in front of the King again. My heartbeat sped up. I really didn't want to face the King and Queen alone again anytime soon. That almost always ended in disaster for me. And if Nicholas
wouldn't be there to save
I really didn't want to think about it.
"I have a message from the King and Queen for you," he said.
I swallowed hard. "Yes?"
"They do not care what you and Julian get up to in secret," he said. He sneered a
little in obvious disgust. "But you must have more discretion."
"It's not like -"
"I did not ask for an explanation," Nathan snapped.
I shut my mouth.
"And one last message, from the Luna herself," he continued.
I nodded, wordlessly telling him I was ready to hear the message.
"She said to ask you, 'Have you no sense of self-respect?' She does not expect
an answer."
