The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 0456
"I didn't sleep with Julian," I said quickly, before Nathan could talk over me again.
It felt imperative to say so now, knowing that even the Luna was out here
believing the gossip."
That was a rumor that })
"Do not lie to my face, Piper," Nathan snapped. "I am a respected Beta of the King of this
"I'm not lying
"The Luna does not include deception among her characteristics," Nathan continued. "That you are continuing to persist with this blatant lying insults us both."
He was insulted? How? I was the one being accused of being a liar, and some kind of harlot who was so blasé as to through her conquest in everyone's face. None of these people know me at all! I would never do something like that! If I had slept with Julian, I would have been discreet. (1
Like how Nicholas and I were...
I sunk into myself standing there, being berated by Nathan, and by extension the King and Queen. The accusations were hurtful, but nothing hurt worse than knowing that Nicholas believed them too.
As I stood there, swallowed by grief, something else began to fester inside of me. What had Mark said about Nicholas? That he was tired of being pushed around?
Well, I was tired of being pushed around too. (2)
So I straightened my shoulders once more, swallowed down my fear, looked Nathan right in
eye and said, "I am not lying."
His brow twitched. His frown deepened. It seemed the only thing my statement had accomplished was to make him even angrier. But I didn't care. If he didn't believe me, that was on him. Not on me. I wouldn't go down placidly. I would fight for everyone to know the truth. 1
"You little, deceitful -"Nathan began, so angry his face was turning red.
Nathan and I both turned in time to see Bridget walk toward us. She wasn't all that far away, close enough to hear, especially with our raised voices. I wondered how much she had listened to. Maybe she heard everything.
"Allow me to say a few words on Piper's behalf," she said.
I blinked, surprised. Why in the world would she want to defend me?
Nathan crossed his arms. He seemed to actually be considering listening to her, in a gesture he wouldn't offer to me.
I wasn't surprised. The royal family's favoritism to Bridget knew no limits. Meanwhile, their dislike of me had been well-expressed since the beginning. I tried not to let it bother me, but I couldn't help but feel a certain level of jealousy.
If they had liked me at all, maybe I wouldn't be in this position at all. Maybe I could have been with Nicholas from the start without any issue.
But maybe didn't mean anything. There was no changing what was. And what was, was that the royal family hated me and loved Bridget. And I didn't see any way that would change.
Nathan nodded, and that was all the permission Bridget needed to start talking.
"You mustn't forget that Piper is not like us. She is not from our class, so she likely doesn't understand the need for discretion and subtlety like we do."
Nathan nodded like that made sense.
Meanwhile, I was seething. What kind of defense was this? One built on tearing me down?
I wanted to speak up on my own behalf, if only to defend myself from this defense, but looking at Nathan, I could see that this tactic was fully working on him. Bridget was entirely convincing him that I was some foolish girl who just didn't know any better.
"If it would make you and the royal family feel better," she said, "I will speak to her on your behalf. I will emphasize our values."
"That would be the best avenue forward," Nathan said. He shot me a look. "You would do well to learn from Bridget."
I bit back a sharper replay, recognizing it would get me nowhere. Like most political games, you have to play nice to get ahead.
So I said, "Yes, sir," while I seethed inside.
Nathan nodded to each of us, then bid Bridget a good day, and walked
good day, and walked away from us.
With Nathan gone, Bridget looked at me and sighed.
"I didn't sleep with Julian," I said. I felt like I was a broken record now, on a loop.
Bridget shrugged. "It really doesn't matter if you did or not.
Watching her
open indifference made a pit open up in my stomach
not out of care for
myself, but for Julian. If he knew how little she cared about the prospect of he and I being intimate, it would break his heart.
So in its place, mine broke for him.
"What matters," she continued, "is that everyone thinks you did. The rumors can be more harmful than the truth, especially depending on how you handle them." 1
I supposed she would know. As a famous actress, she likely had experiences I never would have dreamed of having. Likely all kinds of strangers had made all kinds of accusations
about her.
Yet, this 'advice' of hers didn't feel like it was given out of the goodness of her heart. Instead, it felt like she was being critical.
I was mishandling my own defense, apparently. To her, truth wasn't the answer. Since I wasn't entirely sure if she wasn't the one who started the rumors, I wasn't going to sit around and listen to her opinions.
However, she did save me from Nathan, one way or another. I had to be grateful
for that.
"Thank you
for your help, just now," I said. I nodded toward the door Nathan had disappeared
"Yes," she said, and that was the only warning I had that a thank you would not be enough." Favors should be repaid with favors, don't you agree?"
I swallowed hard. "What exactly do you want?"
Bridget's smile slipped. She seemed more serious now than I had ever seen her
before as she stared straight into my eyes. "Avoid Nicholas at all costs."
I froze.
"We're a couple now, moving toward a hopeful future," Bridget said. "Your presence seems to consistently muck things up. So return the favor, and leave
him alone. For his future, and for the sake of the kingdom."
She was deathly serious. There was no counter I could offer. My desire to be
near Nicholas was one of total selfishness. I knew I was never going to be his Luna. His future didn't include me.
I'd fought it for so long, wanting to hold on to Nicholas as long as possible. But maybe Bridget was right. Maybe it was past time for me to let go.
We were always set to say goodbye eventually.
Despite my mixed feelings about Bridget personally, and my confusion over all
the mind-games she seemed to like playing, she and Nicholas would make a good pair. She was well-liked and crafty. She could survive in a world of cut-
throat double-faces. She already existed
Yet even as I opened my mouth, I couldn't make it form the words that would
have Nicholas leave my life forever.
"I'll think about it," I said. It was the best I could do.
Bridget's eyes narrowed.
"See that you do," she said, and made it sound like a threat.
